Thursday, December 11, 2014

Make preparations now for winter emergencies: The Weekly Fix

Here in northeastern Ohio, it's not unusual to have extended periods without power, water, or other support systems. It's a good idea to have emergency preparations in place, to stave off hunger and cold during these emergencies.

Most boilers and furnaces will not function without electricity. An alternative power source, such as a portable 5000-to-8000 watt generator, can keep the heat going (so long as you have fuel for the generator,) plus power the refrigerator and some lights. A licensed electrician can install a switching panel in the main service box, which will allow the house wiring to distribute output from the generator. The cost of this system can be prohibitive, however; a small generator and panel will run well over $2000.

One low-tech and fairly low-cost heating source is the living room fireplace. The heat will be localized, but you'll have at least one warm room. If you'll be using this source of heat, have the chimney checked and cleaned before winter. Make sure the damper is in good condition, too. Stock up on firewood early enough to allow it to season properly.

If you don't have a fireplace, you'll need to find other ways to keep warm. Don't use a gas stove for heat – the stove can add a lot of carbon monoxide to the air, and the heat can melt the control handles of the appliance. Similarly, kerosene heaters and ventless (natural gas or propane) space heaters can pose dangers. Most city fire and building departments prefer to see vented units that minimize the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, and units fastened to the wall or floor that can't be knocked over. If you are forced to use a portable unit in an emergency situation, be sure to keep all combustibles well away from the heater, provide ventilation (such as a slightly-opened window), secure the heater to the floor (with nails or screws, for example), and follow all manufacturer's instructions.

Emergency lighting is important, but avoid items that burn to provide light (candles, hurricane oil lamps, or propane lanterns). Consider battery-powered lanterns and flashlights to prevent accidental fires. New LED flashlights use less power and run longer on a set of batteries.

Purchase and store provisions in advance. Alkaline batteries can be stored for a longer period of time than regular or "heavy-duty" batteries models – check the expiration date on the package when you purchase them, or buy alkaline batteries that can be recharged. A battery-powered portable radio, besides providing entertainment, can warn you of emergencies (like school closings) and incoming weather.

Jugs of distilled drinking water can be purchased and stored for long periods of time. Plan for the amount your entire household will need for one or two weeks – pets, too. (Assume 8 glasses of water daily per person.) A small water purification unit, carried by camping supply and some sporting goods stores, can make "potable" water for cooking, washing, and drinking from melted snow or collected rainwater.

As for eating, a propane grill can roast, grill, or even boil foods for you. A small portable propane camp stove can be useful, as well. Both must be used outdoors to prevent problems, but either one can heat water for washing, as well as for cooking. Stock up on pre-cooked canned goods (i.e., vegetables, meats, soups, ravioli, and spaghetti) that don't need to be refrigerated during a prolonged power outage. (Remember that you'll need a hand-powered can opener!) A 48- or 60-quart picnic cooler can keep milk and fresh produce chilled, so long as you have ice.

Another thing to keep on hand is a supply of essential medications. If you take prescription drugs, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how long they can be stored, and under what conditions.

If the heat is off for an extended period of time in winter, it will be important to prevent frozen pipes. Shut off the water at the meter, and then open all the faucets to drain out as much water as possible. The last item of concern is the toilet. Short of digging a primitive latrine in your back yard (you'll find directions in an old scouting manual), "gray water" already used for washing or cooking can be re-used to flush a toilet. 1-1/2 gallons will flush through solid wastes when poured quickly into the bowl; keep a bucket on hand to store the water.

Preparations like these can make our lives easier during a winter power outage. The most important thing is to plan ahead.


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